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Abelenda Bike Rental at the Ecopista do Dão



Happy cycling in central Portugal

Some suggestions for cycling (a part of) the Ecopista do Dão

Small Ecopista Tour to the Nagozela River Beach

Small Ecopista Tour to the Nagozela River Beach

7 km back and 7 km forth
  • From Abelenda Bike Rental to the river beach (not an official river beach) near Nagozela.
  • Only 7 km cycling from Abelenda Bike Rental, the best for small children
  • Just after the second bridge (and after after kilometer marker 40.0), turn right on a unpaved road to the river (50m). Go off your bike and walk, it's a little bit steep. Take your bikes with you or lock them.
  • A spectacular spot to have a break, a pick-nick (bring your own) or swim.
  • Afterwards, cycle back or continue the Ecopista until for instance Tondela (see next suggestion)

Medium Ecopista Tour to Tondela or Tonda

Medium Ecopista Tour to Tondela or Tonda

20 km back and 20 km forth
  • Cycle from Abelenda Bike Rental to Tondela.
  • Have a nice lunch in restaurant "Ninho D´arara".
  • On the way back to Abelenda Bike Rental, visit the river beach Nagozela (just before kilometer marker 40) of the first suggestion.

Easy Ecopista Tour with Transfer

Easy Ecopista Tour with Transfer

47 back (forth with the transfer)
  • The most popular. To Viseu with our transfer Service and back by bicycle
  • You cycle the 47 km back on a gently sloped constant descent, making it very easy to bike.
  • On the way back to Abelenda Bike Rental you can have coffee at km 7.5, lunch at Km 16.5 or at km 19,5 and visit the river beach Nagozela at Km 40 (see the first suggestion).
  • For detailed information see our page Bicycle Transfer Ecopista »
30 km back (forth with the transfer)

Longer Ecopista Tour to Farminhão

Longer Ecopista Tour to Farminhão

30 km back and 30 km forth
  • Cycle from Abelenda Bike Rental to Farminhão, located at kilometer marker 16.5.
  • Have lunch in Restaurant "Station Alive" the former railway station, just at the side of the Ecopista.
  • On the way back to Abelenda Bike Rental visit the river beach Nagozela at Km 40 (see the first suggestion).

Two-days Ecopista Tour with stay in Viseu

Two-days Ecopista Tour with stay in Viseu

First day 47 km, second day also 47 km
  • Cycle from Abelenda Bike Rental to Viseu (+/- 47km)
  • Have lunch in Restaurant "Station Alive", the former railway station at Km marker 16.5, just at the side of the Ecopista, or at "Barba Azeda" at Km marker 19.5. You can eat inside or outside.
  • Stay in Viseu for the evening and the night. There is plenty accommodation to choose.
  • Cycle back the second day. Have coffee at km 7.5 and lunch at "Ninho D´arara" Km 28.7. Visit the river beach Nagozela at Km 40 (see the first suggestion)
Of course you can go back and forth to Viseu on the same day if you like.

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Reviews (on our other website) »

The Blue Part - Santa Comba Dão

Km 49The beginning (or end) of the Ecopista do Dão at the station of Santa Comba Dão in Vimieiro
The Station of Santa Comba Dão in Vimieiro
Km 47Location of Abelenda Bike Rental. You can reach us by car and park here
Km 44Nice bridge over the river Dão. Between Km 49 and 35 the Ecopista follows the banks of the river Dão. Every bend in the river is followed by a bend in the Ecopista, with stunning views.
Bridge over the river Dão
Km 40River beach Nagozela. A spectacular spot to have a break.
River beach Nagozela

The Green Part - Tondela

Km 35Between km 35 e 30 you will have lovely views over the valey of the river Pavia. Lots of oaks, cork oaks and chestnut trees, and also some nice vineyards.
Some nice vineyards
Km 29The Ecopista passes the city of Tondela, but you hardly notice the movement of a city as it does not pass through the center.
Further on, the Ecopista passes the ruins of the station of Santa Ovaia.
Ecopista do Dão near Tondela
Km 24You pass the old Romanesque Gothic Church of Canas de Santa Maria, built in the fourteenth century.
The old Romanesque Gothic Church of Canas de Santa Maria
Km 18The tunnel of Santa Catarina, about 200m long and illuminated with solar electricity, but not always working.
The tunnel of Santa Catarina

The Red Part - Viseu

Km 17The former station of Farminhão, now a café and good restaurant with the name "Station Alive"

The former station of Farminhão, now a café and good restaurant with the name Station Alive
Km 12Enter the steam locomotive from 1885, which is stationed in the Torredeita Station.
The steam locomotive from 1885, which is stationed in the Torredeita Station
Km 11In Mosteirinho, the Ecopista continueus over a beautiful bridge designed by Eiffel.
In Mosteirinho, the Ecopista continueus over a beautiful bridge designed by Eiffel
Km 7The station of Figueiró is now a nice café
The station of Figueiró is now a nice café
Km 0The end (or the beginning) of the Ecopista in the Avenida da Europa in Viseu.

Ecopista do Dão bridge Santa Comba Dão

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Abelenda Bike Rental Bicycle

At the Ecopista do Dão